The Virtue Division of the path (Sīla) is the outward expression of the inward aspect of Upright Intention (Sammāsaṅkappo), and how fully it is, or is not developed shows via our actions of body & speech. If we are using others as an excuse for anything we do, this is an expression of malicious speech (pisuṇāya vācāya) and a form of an intention towards ill-will (byāpādasaṅkappo). The same as praising someone excessively yet ignoring others contributions is a form of praising oneself and disparaging others, as it is self view in the form of taking things as mine (Etaṃ mama eso'ham-asmi eso me attāti. 'This is mine, my self, or what I am'), a wanting to be close to the liked, and wanting to be away from the disliked.
To overcome this requires Upright Mindfulness (Sammāsati) and Upright Perspective (Sammādiṭṭhi) to see clearly what is there, recognise it, and then to apply Upright Effort (Sammāvāyāmo) to diminish and uproot it, and to establish and make firm skilful qualities in their place. These skilful qualities are Upright intention (Sammāsaṅkappo), The intention of renunciation (Nekkhammasaṅkappo) includes restraint due to moral precepts(pātimokkha-saṁvara), sense restraint (indriya-saṃvara), and non-covetousness (anabhijjhālu); the intention of non-ill-will, (abyāpādasaṅkappo) includes the development of friendliness (mettabhāvanā); and the intention towards non-violence(avihiṃsāsaṅkappo) includes the development of altruism (karunabhāvanā).
At the end of the day I may be right, I may be wrong, but I share this hoping I am one, the other, both, or neither.