The Rules in bold (such as those of the Pārājika) are also found in the Bhikkhunī Pātimokkha, and those in italic found in both patimokkhas, I find relevant to the Ten Precepts (dasasila). All the names of the rule groups & rule set have been included, and this can cause some confusion as the do overlap at times so spacing has been used to try to ease this.
1-1:4 Paṭhamapārājikasikkhāpada - Not to have sexual intercourse with another being (animals included)
2-2:4 Dutiyapārājikasikkhāpada - Not to take anything that is not offered, which is reckoned a theft.
3-3:4 Tatiyapārājikasikkhāpada - Not to take a human life, either by body, speech or mind.
4-4:4 Catutthapārājikasikkhāpada - Not to claim attainments that have not been achieved.
Rules involving initial & subsequent meetings of the saṅghā: 5-17 -Saṅghādisesa.
5-1:13 Sukkavissaṭṭhisikkhāpada – Not to intentionally emit semen.
6-2:13 Kāyasaṃsaggasikkhāpada – Not to engaging in physical contact with a woman.
7-3:13 Duṭṭhullavācāsikkhāpada – Not to speak lewd words to a woman.
8-4:13 Attakāmapāricariyasikkhāpada – Not to praise sensuality, alluding to intercourse in front of a woman.
9-5:13 Sañcarittasikkhāpada - Not to convey between either party intent for any kind of relationship.
10-6:13 Kuṭikārasikkhāpada – Not to build a hut for oneself without a sponsor.
11-7:13 Vihārakārasikkhāpada – not to build a dwelling without the saṇghas consent.
12-8:13 Duṭṭhadosasikkhāpada - Not to groundlessly charge a mendicantof an unfounded Pārājika Offence, as a ploy to get them to disrobe .
13-9:13 Dutiyaduṭṭhadosasikkhāpada - Not to use as a mere ploy an accusation that a mendicant has committed a Pārājika Offence in-order to embarrass them to disrobe.
14-10:13 saṇghabhedasikkhāpada - Not to create or uphold a division in a united community.
15-11:13 Bhedānuvattakasikkhāpada - Not to associate with followers of a schismatic mendicant once they have been admonished.
16-12:13 Dubbacasikkhāpada - Not to be difficult to admonish.
17-13:13 Kuladūsakasikkhāpada - Not to associate with a mendicant who corrupts families.
Rules that are undetermined as to severity: 18-19 - Aniyata
18-1:2 Paṭhamaaniyatasikkhāpada – Not to sit in a secluded place with a woman, where intercourse can happen.
19-2:2 Dutiyaaniyatasikkhāpada – Not to sit in a secluded place with a woman where lewd conversation can happen.
Rules involving what ought to be given up & confessed: 20-49 - Nissaggiya Pācittayā.
The group starting with offered robes: 20-29 – Kathinavagga.
20-1:30 Kathinasikkhāpada - Not to keep extra kathina cloth more than ten days.
21-2:30 Udosita (dutiyakathina) sikkhāpada - Not to be apart from any of ones three robes at dawn.
22-3:30 Tatiyakathinasikkhāpada - Not to keep robe cloth outside the kathina privileges more than one month.
23-4:30 Purāṇacīvarasikkhāpada – Not to use robes washed by an unrelated female mendicant
24-5:30 Cīvarapaṭiggahaṇasikkhāpada – Not to accept robes from the hand of an unrelated female mendicant
25-6:30 Aññātakaviññattisikkhāpada - Not to ask for robe cloth from an unrelated householder.
26-7:30 Tatuttarisikkhāpada - Not to accept extra, unneeded robe cloth from a householder.
27-8:30 Upakkhaṭasikkhāpada - Not to ask for better robe cloth than the donor originally proposed.
28-9:30 Dutiyaupakkhaṭasikkhāpada - Not to approaching householders to purchase robe cloth.
29-10:30 Rājasikkhāpada - Not to accept robe cloth at inappropriate times.
The group starting with thread: 30-39 – Kosiyavagga.
30-11:30 Kosiyasikkhāpada - Not to having a felt made with a mixture containing silk.
31-12:30 Suddhakāḷakasikkhāpada - Not to having a felt made of pure black wool.
32-13:30 Dvebhāgasikkhāpada - Not to having a new felt mat or blanket made without incorporating two parts black, one part white, and one part brown wool.
33-14:30 Chabbassasikkhāpada - Not to having a new felt mat or blanket made when the old one is less than six years old.
34-15:30 Nisīdanasanthatasikkhāpada - Not to having a felt sitting mat made without incorporating an old piece 25cm on each side for the sake of discolouring it
35-16:30 Eḷakalomasikkhāpada - Not to carrying wool more than thirty miles while travelling
36-17:30 Eḷakalomadhovāpanasikkhāpada - Not to having wool washed , corded, or dyed by a unrelated female mendicant.
37-18:30 Rūpiyasikkhāpada - Not to accept, have accepted, or consent to the depositing of money.
38-19:30 Rūpiyasaṃvohārasikkhāpada - Not to participate in any trading with money.
39-20:30 Kayavikkayasikkhāpada - Not to exchange goods or services.
The group starting with the alms-bowl: 40-49 – Pattavagga.
40-21:30 Pattasikkhāpada - Not to keeping an extra alms-bowl more than ten days
41-22:30 Ūnapañcabandhanasikkhāpada - Not to ask for a new alms-bowl when the old one having less than five mends.
42-23:30 Bhesajjasikkhāpada - Not to keep medicines more than seven days.
43-24:30 Vassikasāṭikasikkhāpada - Not to seeking a rain-bathing cloth out of the proper time.
44-25:30 Cīvaraacchindanasikkhāpada - Not to take back a robe after having offered it to another due to resentment.
45-26:30 Suttaviññattisikkhāpada – Not to requesting thread to weave robe cloth.
46-27:30 Mahāpesakārasikkhāpada – Not to ask for better robes.
47-28:30 Accekacīvarasikkhāpada – Not to accept and keep robe cloth longer than the kathina privileges.
48-29:30 Sāsaṅkasikkhāpada - Not to be apart from ones robes more than six nights if living in a forest dwelling.
49-30:30 Pariṇatasikkhāpada - Not to divert, for ones own benefit, a donation made to the sangha.
Rules involving making amends through confession: 50-141 - Suddha Pācittayā .
The group starting with false speech: 50-59 – Musāvādavagga.
50-1:92 Musāvādasikkhāpada - Not to lie.
51-2:92 Omasavādasikkhāpada - Not to use abusive speech.
52-3:92 Pesuññasikkhāpada - Not to make spiteful remarks to others regarding a particular person.
53-4:92 Padasodhammasikkhāpada – Not to recite Dhamma line by line with an unordained person.
54-5:92 Sahaseyyasikkhāpada – Not to share the same dwelling as an unordained person more than three nights.
55-6:92 Dutiyasahaseyyasikkhāpada - Not to lie down in a bedroom in which there is a woman.
56-7:92 Dhammadesanāsikkhāpada – Not to teach Dhamma to a female person alone in secluded place.
57-8:92 Bhūtārocanasikkhāpada - Not to declare attainments to those not fully ordained.
58-9:92 Duṭṭhullārocanasikkhāpada - Not to talk about the offences of others to laypeople.
59-10:92 Pathavīkhaṇanasikkhāpada – Not to dig the earth.
The group starting with destroying living vegetation: 60-69 – Bhūtagāmavagga.
60-11:92 Bhūtagāmasikkhāpada - Not to destroy living vegetation.
61-12:92 Aññavādakasikkhāpada - Not to talk evasively1 or cause frustration.2
62-13:92 Ujjhāpanakasikkhāpada - Not to criticise another, to cause others to find faults.
63-14:92 Senāsanasikkhāpada – Not to leave a bed, etc., out in the open.
64-15:92 Dutiyasenāsanasikkhāpada – Not to leave without putting ones bed which belongs to the community away or taking leave.
65-16:92 Anupakhajjasikkhāpada – Not to intrude another mendicants space by lying on their dwelling when they arrived there first.
66-17:92 Nikkaḍḍhanasikkhāpada – Not to evicting a mendicant from a lodging belonging to the saṇgha.
67-18:92 Vehāsakuṭisikkhāpada – not to lie on an unsuitable high resting place.
68-19:92 Mahallakavihārasikkhāpada – Not to supervise excessively thick facing around windows and doors.
69-20:92 Sappāṇakasikkhāpada - Not to pour on the ground water containing living beings.
The group starting with exhortating: 70-79 – Ovādavagga.
70-21:92 Ovādasikkhāpadaif unauthorised, Not to exhorting a female mendicant
71-22:92 Atthaṅgatasikkhāpada - Not to teaching a female mendicant after sunset, even if authorised to teach during the day.
72-23:92 Bhikkhunupassayasikkhāpada - Not to teaching a female mendicant in her quarter, unless they are ill.
73-24:92 Āmisasikkhāpada - Not to criticise a male mendicant for teaching a female mendicant claiming it is for the sake of worldly gain.
74-25:92 Cīvaradānasikkhāpada - Not to give robe cloth to a female mendicant unrelated to him, except for exchange.
75-26:92 Cīvarasibbanasikkhāpada - Not to sew robes for a female mendicant unrelated to him.
76-27:92 Saṃvidhānasikkhāpada - Not to travel by arrangement together with a female mendicant
77-28:92 Nāvābhiruhanasikkhāpada - Not to travel by arrangement up or down stream in the same boat as a female mendicant.
78-29:92 Paripācitasikkhāpada - Not to knowingly eating alms-food donated through the prompting of a female mendicant.
79-30:92 Rahonisajjasikkhāpada - Not to sit in a secluded place alone with a female mendicant.
The group starting with meals: 80-89 – Bhojanavagga.
80-31:92 Āvasathapiṇḍasikkhāpada – Not to eat from a public alms-centre more than one meal, unless ill.
81-32:92 Gaṇabhojanasikkhāpada - Not to eat in a group, except at a proper occasion.
82-33:92 Paramparabhojanasikkhāpada - Not to go somewhere else when having already accepted an invitation for a meal.
83-34:92 Kāṇamātusikkhāpada - Not to accept alms-food more than three alms-bowls during an invitation.
84-35:92 Pavāraṇāsikkhāpadaafter Not to eat more food, after turning down an offer.
85-36:92 Dutiyapavāraṇāsikkhāpada - Not to aim at finding fault in another mendicant who has turned down more food by offering more.
86-37:92 Vikālabhojanasikkhāpada - Not to consume food between noon and the following dawn.
87-38:92 Sannidhikārakasikkhāpada – Not to eat stored-up food
88-39:92 Paṇītabhojanasikkhāpada - Not to consume fine staple foods when not ill.
89-40:92 Dantaponasikkhāpada - Not to eat food that has not been given.
The group starting with naked Asceticism: 90-99 – Acelakavagga.
90-41:92 Acelakasikkhāpada - Not to giving food by hand to an ascetic, etc.
91-42:92 Uyyojanasikkhāpada – Not to invite a mendicant to go on alms-round, then dismiss them.
92-43:92 Sabhojanasikkhāpada – Not to intrude on a family who are having their meal.
93-44:92 Rahopaṭicchannasikkhāpada - Not to sit alone with a woman in an isolated place.
94-45:92 Rahonisajjasikkhāpada - Not to sit with a woman in a place remote from others' ears.
95-46:92 Cārittasikkhāpada – Not to call upon families outside of a proper occasion, before or after an invitation to a meal.
96-47:92 Mahānāmasikkhāpada – Not to request requisites beyond the four month time limit, unless ill.
97-48:92 Uyyuttasenāsikkhāpada – Not to go and see an army on active duty.
98-49:92 Senāvāsasikkhāpada – Not to stay with an army more than three days.
99-50:92 Uyyodhikasikkhāpada – Not to go to see an army on a battlefield, in military formation, or roll call.
The group starting with Intoxicating substances: 100-109 – Surāpānavagga.
100-51:92 Surāpānasikkhāpada - Not to consume intoxicating substances.
101-52:92 Aṅgulipatodakasikkhāpada – Not to tickle a Mendicant with the fingers.
102-53:92 Hasadhammasikkhāpada – Not to play in the water while washing.
103-54:92 Anādariyasikkhāpada - Not to be disrespectful of others or the Dhamma.
104-55:92 Bhiṃsāpanasikkhāpada – Not to try to frightening another mendicant.
105-56:92 Jotikasikkhāpada – Not to light a fire to warm oneself unless there is a suitable reason.
106-57:92 Nahānasikkhāpada – Not to bathe at intervals over half a month, without a suitable reason.
107-58:92 Dubbaṇṇakaraṇasikkhāpada – Not to use new robes unless they have been discoloured first.
108-59:92 Vikappanasikkhāpada – Not to use communal robe-cloth without rescinding the communal ownership first.
109-60:92 Cīvaraapanidhānasikkhāpada - Not to hide another bhikkhu's requisites.
The group starting with containing living beings: 110-119 – Sappāṇakavagga.
110-61:92 Sañciccasikkhāpada - Notto kill living beings.
111-62:92 Sappāṇakasikkhāpada - Not to use water containing living beings.
112-63:92 Ukkoṭanasikkhāpada - Not to agitate to raise again a solved legal issue.
113-64:92 Duṭṭhullasikkhāpada - Not to concealing serious offences of other mendicants.
114-65:92 Ūnavīsativassasikkhāpada - Not to ordain a person who is less than twenty years old, this is an invalid ordination.
115-66:92 Theyyasatthasikkhāpada – Not to travel together with a thieve.
116-67:92 Saṃvidhānasikkhāpada - Not to travel by arrangement together with a woman.
117-68:92 Ariṭṭhasikkhāpada - Not to misrepresent an obstructive act as an non-obstructive act.
118-69:92 Ukkhittasambhogasikkhāpada – Not to associate with mendicants who intentionally misrepresents Dhamma.
119-70:92 Kaṇṭakasikkhāpada - Not to associate with Postulants or Novices who intentionally misrepresents Dhamma.
The group starting with under the same training: 120-132 – Sahadhammikavagga.
120-71:92 Sahadhammikasikkhāpada - Not to refuse to train in the rules of training.
121-72:92 Vilekhanasikkhāpada - Not to disparage training precepts.
122-73:92 Mohanasikkhāpada - To learn the rules of training.
123-74:92 Pahārasikkhāpada - Not to hit another bhikkhu.
124-75:92 Talasattikasikkhāpada - Not to make a threatening gesture suggesting that one is about to cause another harm.
125-76:92 Amūlakasikkhāpada - Not to groundlessly accuse a bhikkhu of committing an offence.
126-77:92 Sañciccasikkhāpada - Not to cause anguish to arise in another.
127-78:92 Upassutisikkhāpada - Not to eavesdrop.
128-79:92 Kammapaṭibāhanasikkhāpada - Not to contest a legal decision taken after giving consent to the action.
129-80:92 Chandaṃadatvāgamanasikkhāpada – Not to leave the monastery without informing another mendicant.
130-81:92 Dubbalasikkhāpada – Not to complain about robe allocation after consenting as part of a united community.
131-82:92 Pariṇāmanasikkhāpada - Not divert the sanghas offerings for one persons benefit.
132-83:92 Antepurasikkhāpada - Not to trespass in a kings chamber, without permission.
The group starting with jewels: 133-141 – Ratanavagga.
133-84:92 Ratanasikkhāpada - Not to collect and stow away precious objects outside of a monastery or the area where one lives. When inside a monastery or where one lives the item should be put in a safe place for the owner to collect.
134-85:92 Vikālagāmappavisanasikkhāpada - Not to entering a village at the wrong time, unless for a suitable reason.
135-86:92 Sūcigharasikkhāpada – not to own a needle box made of bone, ivory, or horn.
136-87:92 Mañcapīṭhasikkhāpada - Not to make, cause to be made, or use beds or seats having a eight exceeding 65 centimetres.
137-88:92 Tūlonaddhasikkhāpada - Not to use or make beds or seats covered with cotton.
138-89:92 Nisīdanasikkhāpada - Not to have a sitting-cloth made exceeding the standard measurement.
139-90:92 Kaṇḍuppaṭicchādisikkhāpada – Not to have a skin-eruption covering-cloth made exceeding the standard measurement.
140-91:92 Vassikasāṭikāsikkhāpada - Not to having a rains-bathing cloth made exceeding the standard measurement.
141-92:92 Nandasikkhāpada – Not to have robes made exceeding the standard measurement.
Rules involving acknowledgement: 142-145 – Pāṭidesanīyā.
142-1:4 Paṭhamapāṭidesanīyasikkhāpada - Not to receiving alms-food from an unrelated female mendicant within an inhabited area.
143-2:4 Dutiyapāṭidesanīyasikkhāpad Not to let a female mendicant give instructions to arrange food for male mendicants.
144-3:4 Tatiyapāṭidesanīyasikkhāpada - Not to eat alms-food received by oneself from families who are in training unless ill.
145-4:4 Catutthapāṭidesanīyasikkhāpada - Mendicants residing in a forest must refrain from receiving alms-food their, unless ill.
Rules connected with the training: 146-220 – Sekhiyā.
The 26 dealing with proper behaviour: 1-26– Sāruppa.
The group on being propperly covered: 1-10 – Parimaṇḍalavagga.
146-1:75 Parimaṇḍalasikkhāpada - One should dress themselves with the lower robe with the edges even around the waist & knees; this training is to be preformed.
147-2:75 Dutiyaparimaṇḍalasikkhāpada - One should wrap themselves with the upper/outer robe with the edges even around the neck & knees; this training is to be preformed.
148-3:75 Suppaṭicchannasikkhāpada - One should travel properly covered within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.
149-4:75 Dutiyasuppaṭicchannasikkhāpada - One should be sat down properly covered within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.
150-5:75 Susaṃvutasikkhāpada - One should travel properly restrained within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.
151-6:75 Dutiyasusaṃvutasikkhāpada - One should be sat down properly restrained within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.
152-7:75 Okkhittacakkhusikkhāpada - One should travel casting their gaze downward within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.
153-8:75 Dutiyaokkhittacakkhusikkhāpada - One should be sat down casting their gaze downward within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.
154-9:75 Ukkhittakasikkhāpada - One should not travel lifting their robes up within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.
155-10:75 Dutiyaukkhittakasikkhāpada - One should not be sat down lifting their robes up within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.
The group on volume: 11-20 – Ujjagghikavagga.
156-11:75 Ujjagghikasikkhāpada - One should not travel laughing loudly within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.
157-12:75 Dutiyaujjagghikasikkhāpada - One should not be sat down laughing loudly within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.
158-13:75 Uccasaddasikkhāpada - One should travel speaking with a lowered voice within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.
159-14:75 Dutiyauccasaddasikkhāpada - One should be sat down speaking with a lowered voice within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.
160-15:75 Kāyappacālakasikkhāpada - One should not travel dancing within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.
161-16:75 Dutiyakāyappacālakasikkhāpada - One should not be sat down dancing within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.
162-17:75 Bāhuppacālakasikkhāpada - One should not travel dancing with the arms within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.
163-18:75 Dutiyabāhuppacālakasikkhāpada - One should not be sat down dancing with the arms within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.
164-19:75 Sīsappacālakasikkhāpada - One should not travel dancing with the head within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.
165-20:75 Dutiyasīsappacālakasikkhāpada - One should not be sat down dancing the head within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.
The group on holding oneself properly: 21-30 – Khambhakatavagga.
166-21:75 Khambhakatasikkhāpada - One should not travel in akimbo (hands on the hips) within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.
167-22:75 Dutiyakhambhakatasikkhāpada - One should not be sat down in akimbo (hands on the hips) within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.
168-23:75 Oguṇṭhitasikkhāpada - One should not travel covering the head within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.
169-24:75 Dutiyaoguṇṭhitasikkhāpada - One should not be sat down covering the head within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.
170-25:75 Ukkuṭikasikkhāpada - One should not travel walking solely on the heals or tips of the toes (walk with the full foot) within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.3
171-26:75 Pallatthikasikkhāpada - One should not be sat down using a support for the sitting posture within a village or householder’s home; this training is to be preformed.4
The 30 Dealing with Food: 27-56 –Bhojanapaṭisaṁyutta.
172-27:75 Sakkaccapaṭiggahaṇasikkhāpada - One should accept alms food with appreciation; this training is to be preformed.
173-28:75 Pattasaññīpaṭiggahaṇasikkhāpada - One should accept alms food focusing their attention to the bowl; this training is to be preformed.
174-29:75 Samasūpakapaṭiggahaṇasikkhāpada - One should accept alms food with the proper proportion of curry to rice (1-4 ratio,) this training is to be preformed.
175-30:75 Samatittikasikkhāpada - One should accept alms food without exceeding the rim of the bowl; this training is to be preformed.
The group on eating carefully: 31-40 – Sakkaccavagga.
176-31:75 Sakkaccasikkhāpada - One should eat alms food appreciatively; this training is to be preformed.
177-32:75 Pattasaññīsikkhāpada - One should eat alms food focusing their attention to the bowl; this training is to be preformed.
178-33:75 Sapadānasikkhāpada - One should eat alms food systematically; this training is to be preformed.
179-34:75 Samasūpakasikkhāpada - One should eat alms food with the proper proportion of curry to rice (1-4 ratio,) this training is to be preformed.
180-35:75 Thūpakatasikkhāpada - One should not eat alms food having pressed it into a mound; this training is to be preformed.
181-36:75 Odanappaṭicchādanasikkhāpada - One should not hide favoured food with rice due to a desire for more; this training is to be preformed.
182-37:75 Sūpodanaviññattisikkhāpada - Not being ill one should not eat food specially requested by oneself; this training is to be preformed.
183-38:75 Ujjhānasaññīsikkhāpada - One should not look at the bowls of others looking for faults; this training is to be preformed.
184-39:75 Kabaḷasikkhāpada - One should not make an overly large mouthful of food; this training is to be preformed.
185-40:75 Ālopasikkhāpada - One should eat a properly shaped & sized (round) mouthful; this training is to be preformed.
The group on lumps of food: 41-50 – Kabaḷavagga.
186-41:75 Anāhaṭasikkhāpada - One should not open the mouth before the food has been brought to it; this training is to be preformed.
187-42:75 Dutiyaanāhaṭasikkhāpada - One should not eat stuffing the whole hand into the mouth; this training is to be preformed.5
188-43:75 Sakabaḷasikkhāpada - One should not speak with the mouth full of food; this training is to be preformed.
189-44:75 Piṇḍukkhepakasikkhāpada - One should not eat tossing food into the mouth; this training is to be preformed.
190-45:75 Kabaḷāvacchedakasikkhāpada - One should not eat biting off a mouthful from the hand; this training is to be preformed.6
191-46:75 Avagaṇḍakārakasikkhāpada - One should not eat stuffing out the cheeks; this training is to be preformed.7
192-47:75 Hatthaniddhunakasikkhāpada - One should not eat shaking food off of the hand; this training is to be preformed.
193-48:75 Sitthāvakārakasikkhāpada - One should not eat dropping food here and there; this training is to be preformed.
194-49:75 Jivhānicchārakasikkhāpada - One should not stick out the tongue while eating; this training is to be preformed.
195-50:75 Capucapukārakasikkhāpada - One should not make chomping sounds while eating; this training is to be preformed.
The group on loud eating: 51-60 – Surusuruvagga.
196-51:75 Surusurukārakasikkhāpada - One should not make slurping sounds while eating; this training is to be preformed.
197-52:75 Hatthanillehakasikkhāpada - One should not lick the hand clean while eating; this training is to be preformed.
198-53:75 Pattanillehakasikkhāpada - One should not lick the bowl while eating; this training is to be preformed
199-54:75 Oṭṭhanillehakasikkhāpada - One should not lick the lips while eating; this training is to be preformed.
200-55:75 Sāmisasikkhāpada - One should not take hold of a beaker of drinking water with a hand covered in food; this training is to be preformed.
201-56:75 Sasitthakasikkhāpada - In an inhabited area, one should not throw away bowl washing water with food in it; this training is to be preformed.
The 16 Dealing with Teaching Dhamma: 57-72 – Dhammadesanāpaṭisaṁyutta.
202-57:75 Chattapāṇisikkhāpada - One should not teach the Dhamma to someone carrying a sunshade, who is not ill; this training is to be preformed.
203-58:75 Daṇḍapāṇisikkhāpada - One should not teach the Dhamma to someone carrying a staff, who is not ill; this training is to be preformed.
204-59:75 Satthapāṇisikkhāpada - One should not teach the Dhamma to someone carrying a knife, who is not ill; this training is to be preformed.
205-60:75 Āvudhapāṇisikkhāpada - One should not teach the Dhamma to someone carrying a weapon, who is not ill; this training is to be preformed.
The group on footwear: 61-75 – Pādukavagga.
206-61:75 Pādukasikkhāpada - One should not teach the Dhamma to someone wearing shoes, who is not ill; this training is to be preformed.
207-62:75 Upāhanāruḷhasikkhāpada - One should not teach the Dhamma to someone wearing sandals, who is not ill; this training is to be preformed.
208-63:75 Yānasikkhāpada - One should not teach the Dhamma to someone in a vehicle, who is not ill; this training is to be preformed.
209-64:75 Sayanasikkhāpada - One should not teach the Dhamma to someone laying on a couch or bed, who is not ill; this training is to be preformed.
210-65:75 Pallatthikasikkhāpada - One should not teach the Dhamma to someone sat down using a support for the sitting posture, who is not ill; this training is to be preformed.
211-66:75 Veṭhitasikkhāpada - One should not teach the Dhamma to someone wearing a head wrapping (turban,) who is not ill; this training is to be preformed.
212-67:75 Oguṇṭhitasikkhāpada - One should not teach the Dhamma to someone wearing a head covering, who is not ill; this training is to be preformed.
213-68:75 Chamāsikkhāpada - Having sat on the ground, one should not teach the Dhamma to someone sitting on a seat, who is not ill; this training is to be preformed.
214-69:75 Nīcāsanasikkhāpada - Having sat down, one should not teach the Dhamma to someone sitting on a higher seat, who is not ill; this training is to be preformed.
215-70:75 Ṭhitasikkhāpada - Being stood upright, one should not teach the Dhamma to someone sat down, who is not ill; this training is to be preformed.
216-71:75 Pacchatogamanasikkhāpada - While walking, one should not teach the Dhamma to someone ahead of oneself, who is not ill; this training is to be preformed.
217-72:75 Uppathenagamanasikkhāpada - While walking next to the walking path, one should not teach the Dhamma to someone on the walking path, who is not ill; this training is to be preformed..
The 3 Miscellaneous Rules: 73-75 -Pakinnaka.
218-73:75 Ṭhitouccārasikkhāpada - When not ill, one should not go to the toilet while standing up; this training is to be preformed.
219-74:75 Hariteuccārasikkhāpada - When not ill, one should not go to the toilet, or spit on living plants; this training is to be preformed.
220-75:75 Udakeuccārasikkhāpada - When not ill, one should not go to the toilet, or spit into water usable for drinking or bathing; this training is to be preformed.
The Calming and Settling of legal Issues that May Arise: 221-227 - Adhikaraṇa-samatha
221-1:7 Sammukhāvinaya Aquittal with all present, is to be given.
222-2:7 Sativinaya Aquittal due to their mindfulness, is to be given.
223-3:7 Amūḷhavinaya Aquittal due to past insanity, is to be given.
224-4:7 Patiññātakaraṇa Acting in accord to what has been admitted by the accused.
225-5:7 Yebhuyyasikā Acting in accord with the decision of the majority.
226-6:7 Tassapāpiyasikā Acting for further punishment.
227-7:7 Tiṇavatthāraka Cover over as with grass (brush under the carpet.)
Although there is some cross over between the rules in the matika, there are a significant number not shared between the two fully ordained communities. Those found only in the Bhikkhu Patimokkha are -
1. saṇghādisesā 1,2,3,4,6,7.
2. Aniyata 1,2.
3. nissaggiyapācittiyā 4,5,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,21,24,29.
4. pācittiyā 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,33,35,36,39,41,64,65,67,83,85,89,91.
5. Pāṭidesanīyā 1,2,3,4.
1 - Talk off topic when questioned about an offence..
2 - Remaining silent to hide an offence.
3 - Sekh 25 could be seen as not rushing to where we want to be, aggressive or walking heavily.
4 - This interpretation is based on Cv.V.28.2 where a knee strap is allowed but not the use of the outer robe as such, to hold up the knees.
5 - This Sekhiya rule has several interpretations, all of which are worth following. However I have chose to interpret the literal translation as meaning putting the hand or part there of into the mouth in a unseemly manner during a meal.
6 - Food should be the proper portion size before being brought to the mouth
7 - Not putting to much food into the mouth.