These seven, the all-seeing sage Has rightly taught, when developed & matured, bring about heightened knowledge, Liberation, & Awakening.
By the saying of this truth, may you always be well.
At one time, our Protector seeing that Moggallana & Kassapa were sick & in pain — taught them the seven factors for Awakening. They, delighting in that, were instantly freed from their illness.
By the saying of this truth, may you always be well.
Once, when the Dhamma King was afflicted with fever, he had the Elder Cunda recite that very teaching with devotion. As he approved, he rose up from that disease.
By the saying of this truth, may you always be well.
Those diseases were abandoned by the three great seers, just as defilements are demolished by gaining a foothold in dhamma.
By the saying of this truth, may you always be well.