Heedfulness is the path to the deathless, heedlessness leads to death.
The vigilant do not die, the inattentive are as if already dead.
Understanding this distinction, the wise are heedful.
Rejoice in vigilance, devoted to the noble abode of the breath.
Those who are constantly reflective, always applying steady effort.
The wise touching nibbāna, find incomparable release from the attachments
Those who are mindful practising with effort, after consideration they act with pure intention.
Restrained and living in accord with the truth, those who are vigilant increasingly succeed.
Those, who through effort and vigilance restrain and control themselves,
Turn themselves into an island like the wise, which no flood can crush.
The careless engage in pleasures, ignorant foolish people.
The Wise are vigilant, protecting the foremost wealth.
Do not be careless & engage in pleasures; do not engage in sensual and sexual pleasures.
The vigilant due to reflection, arrive at great comfort.
The wise man rejects carelessness through mindfulness whenever it arises.
Having ascended to the safest place, with discernment guide this sorrowful generation to happiness.
The wise Standing upon the mountain seeing intoxicated immature beings,
The heedless became vigilant, the sleeping woke up.
Just as a swift horse leaves the weak behind, the wise go to where is beneficial.
Through heedfulness Sakka become the foremost deity.
Heedfulness is commended, carelessness is always reproached.
The mendicant should delight in heedfulness, realising the dangers in carelessness.
Advance on gross & subtle fetters, burning them up in flames.
The mendicant should delight in heedfulness, realising the danger of carelessness.
Are incapable of their practice wasting away, and will go toward nibbāna.