The Eightfold Path, and the Four Noble Truths are the most excellent.
Being passionless is the most excellent of mental phenomena, of those with wisdom the Buddha is the foremost.
This path and no other is for the purification of insight.
You take up this path of practice, and that will bewilder Mara.
Following this path you shall make an end to discontent.
Having taught you this path, you understand how to pull out the thorn.
You must strive in these duties; the Buddhas only teach (the way).
Those meditative ones who have entered the path are released from Maras grip.
Ti-lakkhaṇ’ādi-gāthā – Verses on the three characteristics V.277-279
'All fabrications are inconstant' when you see this with discernment,
You become disenchanted with stress. This is the path to purity.
'All fabrications are stressful' when you see this with discernment,
You become disenchanted with stress. This is the path to purity.
'All phenomena are not-self' when you see with discernment,
You become disenchanted with stress. This is the path to purity.
The lazy one does not strive at the right time, even when they are young, strong and yet full of sloth.
With a mind full of depressed thoughts and inactive, they will not find the path of the wise.
One should be restrained in speech, well-guarded in mind, and not do any unskilled action.
These three paths of action should be purified to attain the path taught by those who see.
Wisdom arises from meditative effort; wisdom is lost through lack of meditative effort.
Knowing these paths; one of (wisdoms) progress, and the other of (wisdoms) decline.
So one should be established in truth, and wisdom will grow.
Cut down the forest (of defilements), not just the trees1. From the forest comes fear.
Cutting down the forest and brushwood (of defilements), be free of the forest mendicants.
So long as the forest (of defilements), one sex has toward another2, has not been removed or diminished.
So long as the mind is attached like this, (people) are like a suckling calf still dependent on their mother.
So cut off this affection, as though picking a lotus in the autumn.
You should devote yourself to this path of peace, as taught by the Fortunate one leading to nibbāna.
Here I shall dwell during the Rains retreat, and again during the winter and the summer.
This is what a foolish person thinks, as they do not understand the dangers (in such thought)
They delight, with an mind attached to children and animals3.
Death will carry them away, like a great flood a sleeping village.
Peace & protection cannot be obtained through sons, fathers, or any other family member.
When death draws near, no relative can protect you.
Having known reasons such as this, the wise restrain themselves ethically.
They quickly clear the path leading to Nirvana.
The twentieth group on the path has finished.