Then mahāpajāpatī gotamī approached the Fortunate One
Having arrived she bowed down to the Fortunalt One and stayed at one side.
As she was standing there she said -
Venerable Sir, it would be good for me if the fortunate one taught the Dhamma in brief,
So that I may live alone having heard the Fortunate Ones teachings devoting myself with effort to restraint, seclusion, heedfulness.
(The Fortunate one responded) “Gotami, whatever teachings you know of –
‘Those teachings lead: to passion (intense enthusiasm), not to dis-passion (calm objectivity);
to being fettered (moved by things), not to being unfettered (moving with things);
to accumulating (increase of troubles), not to shedding (decrease of troubles);
to self importance (conceit), not to being inwardly content;
to discontent (longing for better things), not to contentment with things;
to involvement in external concerns, not to privacy from external concerns;
to wasting time, not to the application of energy;
to being hard to please (wanting more’), not to being easily supported (needing little):
You can definitely hold, ‘This is not the teaching, this is not the discipline, this is not the teacher’s instruction.’”
“Gotami, now whatever teachings you know of –
‘Those teachings lead: to dis-passion (calm objectivity), not to passion (intense enthusiasm);
to being unfettered (moving with things), not to being fettered (moved by things);
to shedding (decrease of troubles), not to accumulating (increase of troubles);
to being inwardly content, not to self importance (conceit);
to contentment with things, not to discontent (longing for better things);
to privacy from external concerns, not to involvement in external concerns;
to the application of energy, not to wasting time;
to being easily supported (needing little), not to being hard to please (wanting more’):
You can definitely hold,
‘This is the teaching, this is the discipline, this is the teacher’s instruction.’”
The Third