One gains confirmed confidence in the trachings through reflecting upon them in this way - The Dhamma is taught well by the Fortunate One; Visible here and now; Not pertinent to any one time; Open for all to test; Leading to nibbana; To be understood individually by wise people.
One gains confirmed confidence in the Sangha through reflecting upon them in this way - The Fortunate One’s assembly of disciples are those who have thoroughly entered upon the path; The Fortunate One’s assembly of disciples are those who have reaching for the straight path; The Fortunate One’s assembly of disciples are those who have following the right method; The Fortunate One’s assembly of disciples are those who have entered the proper course - That is the four pairs & eight kinds of noble being - These are the Fortunate One’s assembly of disciples. They are worthy of offerings; Worthy of hospitality; Worthy of gifts; And ought to be respected; as they are the best place where skilful qualities can be found in the world.