All translations here are from Pali to English by Cittasanto, done for personal reflection and understanding, not as expert translations.
Please read translations by other translators who are more skilled in the pali language for a comparison. I suggest Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Ajahn Geoff) or Ven. Bhikkhu Bhodhi whos work are easily found.
Please check the calendar for upcoming posts, usually shared on a Wednesday.
Please read translations by other translators who are more skilled in the pali language for a comparison. I suggest Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Ajahn Geoff) or Ven. Bhikkhu Bhodhi whos work are easily found.
Please check the calendar for upcoming posts, usually shared on a Wednesday.
Current Projects
Although I may translate any text that comes to my attention as the need arises there are specific projects on the way.
The Dhammapada -
I started this project a little while ago, although it was mainly Gathas used in chanting, or for Calligraphy Projects.
Apart from these I have finished the first 25 chapters. Updates of what will be shared on the calendar.
The Dhammapada -
I started this project a little while ago, although it was mainly Gathas used in chanting, or for Calligraphy Projects.
Apart from these I have finished the first 25 chapters. Updates of what will be shared on the calendar.
Latest Post
Sutta Piṭaka
Dīgha Nikāya - DN (References are to Sutta and passage)
Mahā Vagga
Mahasatipaṭṭhāna Sutta - The Great Discourse on the Ways to Reference the Foundations of Mindfulness - DN22, MN10 (in chapters).
Majjhima Nikāya - MN (References are to Sutta and passage)
Mūlapariyāya Vagga
Pervading The Divine Dwellings - MN7 (excerpt)
Buddhadhammasanghaguna - Virtues Of The Triple Gem - MN7 (excerpt)
Mahasatipaṭṭhāna Sutta - The Great Discourse on the Ways to Reference the Foundations of Mindfulness - DN22, MN10 (in chapters).
Rāja Vagga
Aṅgulimala Sutta Paritta - The Aṅgulimala Discourse Protection - MN86 (excerpt)
Anupada Vagga
Mahā-cattārīsaka sutta - The Discourse on the Great Forty - MN 117
Vibhaṅga Vagga
Bhaddekaratta Gāthā - The Verses On Spending Ones Time Well - MN131 (excerpt)
Saṃyutta Nikāya - SN (Reference to chapter then Sutta Number)
Devatā Saṃyutta - SN01
Arahanta Sutta – The Discourse On The Worthy – SN1.25
Devaputta Saṃyutta - SN02
Rāhula Sutta - The Discourse To Honourable Rāhula - Snp 2.11 (KhN 5.23)
Kosala Saṃyutta - SN03
Pabbatūpama Sutta Gatha - Verses Of The Discourse On The Similie Of The Mountain - SN3.25
Māra Saṃyutta - SN04
Bhikkhuṇī Saṃyutta - SN05
Gilāna Sutta - The Discourse For The Sick - AN5.121
Brahmā Saṃyutta - SN06
Brāhmaṇa Saṃyutta - SN07
Vangīsa Thera Saṃyutta - SN08
Vana Saṃyutta - SN09
Yakkha Saṃyutta - SN10
Sakka Saṃyutta - SN11
Nidāna Saṃyutta - SN12
Cetanā sutta - [Developing] Intentions - SN 12.38
Abhisamaya Saṃyutta - SN13
Dhātu Saṃyutta - SN14
Anamatagga Saṃyutta - SN15
Kassapa Saṃyutta - SN16
Lābhasakkāra Saṃyutta - SN17
Rāhula Saṃyutta - SN18
Lakkhaṇa Saṃyutta - SN19
Opamma Saṃyutta - SN20
Bhikkhu Saṃyutta - SN21
Khandha Saṃyutta - SN22
Bhāra Sutta Gāthā - Verses on the Burden - SN22.22 (excerpt)
Anatta-lakkhaṇa Sutta - The Not-Self Characteristic Discourse - SN 22.59; VinMv6.20 (Vin.I.6.20)
Rādha Saṃyutta - SN23
Diṭṭhi Saṃyutta - SN24
Okkantika Saṃyutta - SN25
Uppāda Saṃyutta - SN26
Kilesa Saṃyutta - SN27
Sāriputta Saṃyutta - SN28
Nāga Saṃyutta - SN29
Supaṇṇa Saṃyutta - SN30
Gandhabbakāya Saṃyutta - SN31
Valāhaka Saṃyutta - SN32
Vacchagotta Saṃyutta - SN33
Samādhi Saṃyutta - SN34
Saḷāyatana Saṃyutta - SN35
Āditta-pariyāya Sutta - The That Which Burns Discourse - S.35.28; Vin.Mv.I.12
Vedanā Saṃyutta - SN36
Mātugāma Saṃyutta - SN37
Jambukhādaka Saṃyutta - SN38
Sāmaṇḍaka Saṃyutta - SN39
Moggallāna Saṃyutta - SN40
Citta Saṃyutta - SN41
Gāmani Saṃyutta - SN42
Asaṅkhata Saṃyutta - SN43
Avyākata Saṃyutta - SN44
Magga Saṃyutta - SN45
Dukkhatā Sutta – Discourse on Forms Of Stress – SN45.99
Bojjhaṅga Saṃyutta - SN46
Satipaṭṭhāna Saṃyutta - SN47
Indriya Saṃyutta - SN48
Sammappadhāna Saṃyutta - SN49
Bala Saṃyutta - SN50
Iddhipāda Saṃyutta - SN51
Anuruddha Saṃyutta - SN52
Jhāna Saṃyutta - SN53
Ānāpāna Saṃyutta - SN54
Sotāpatti Saṃyutta - SN55
Sacca Saṃyutta - SN56
Dhamma-cakkappavattana Sutta - The Setting The Wheel of Dhamma in Motion Discourse - SN.56.11; VinMv6.13 (Vin.1.6.13)
Aṅguttara Nikāya - AN (Reference to chapter then sutta number)
Ekaka Nipāta - AN 1
Duka Nipāta - AN 2
Bālavaggo - The Chapter On Fools
Bālā-paṇḍitā Sutta: The Foolish And Wise AN2.21
Abbhācikkhanti Sutta – Discourse On Defamation – AN2.22
Bhāsita-abhāsita Sutta – Discourse On What Is Said And Not Said - AN2.23
Āsāduppajahavaggo - The Chapter On Leaving Behind Foolishness
Ghosa Suttas - Discourses On Words - AN2.126-127
Tika Nipāta - AN 3
Catukka Nipāta - AN 4
Vitthāra Sutta – Explanation (of the four means of practice) – AN 4.162
Pañcaka Nipāta - AN 5
Chakka Nipāta - AN 6
Dutiya Sārāṇīya Sutta - The Second Discourse On Things To Remember - AN6.12
Sattaka Nipāta - AN 7
Aṭṭhaka Nipāta - AN 8
Saṅkhitta Aṭṭhaṅguposatha Sutta - The Observance Day Endowed with Eight Factors - AN8.41
Samkhitta Sutta - The Brief Discourse to Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī - AN 8.53 (VinCv10.5)
Navaka Nipāta - AN 9
Dasaka Nipāta - AN 10
Pabbajitābhiṇha Sutta - What One Who Has Separated From Society For Mastery Should Do Often - AN10.48
Girimānanda sutta - The Discourse for Girimānanda - AN10.60
Āghātapaṭivinaya sutta – The Discourse On The Means To Subdue Hatred – AN10.80
Ekādasaka Nipāta - AN 11
Khuddaka Nikāya - KN
Khuddakapāṭha - KhN1 Khp
Ratana Sutta - Khp6 (Snp2.1)
Karaṇīya-metta-sutta – Discourse Of The Practice Of Friendliness - Khp9
Dhammapada - The Words Of Truth - Dhp (KhN2)
Yamakavaggo - The Paired Group - Dhp.V01-20 (KhN 2.1)
Appamādavaggo - The Group On Heedfulness - Dhp.V.21-32 (KhN2.2)
Cittavaggo - The Group On The Mind - DhpV.33-43 (KhN 2.3)
Pupphavaggo - The Group with Flowers - DhpV.44-59 (KhN 2.4)
Bālavaggo - The Group On Fools - DhpV.60-75 (KhN 2.5)
Paṇḍitavaggo - The Group On Wise People - DhpV.76-89 (KhN 2.6)
Arahantavaggo - The Group On Arahants - DhpV.90-99 (KhN 2.7)
Sahassavaggo - The Group on One Thousand - DhpV.100-115 (KhN 2.8)
Pāpavaggo - The Group On Malevolence - DhpV.116-128 (KhN 2.9)
Daṇḍavaggo - The Group On Punishment - DhpV.129-145 (KhN 2.10)
Jarāvaggo - The Group On Ageing - DhpV.146-156 (KhN2.11)
Attavaggo - The Group On Oneself - DhpV.167-166 (KhN2.12)
Lokavaggo - The Group On The World - DhpV.167-178 (KhN 2.13)
Buddhavaggo - The Group On The Awakened - DhpV.179-196 (KhN2.14)
Sukhavaggo - The Group On Comfort - DhpV.197-208 (KhN 2.15)
Piyavaggo - The Group On Affection - DhpV.209-220 (KhN2.16)
Kodhavaggo - The Group On Anger - DhpV.221-234 (KhN2.17)
Malavaggo - The Group On Impurities - DhpV.235-255 (KhN2.18)
Dhammaṭṭhavaggo - The Group On The Just - DhpV.256-272 (KhN2.19)
Maggavaggo - The Group On The Path - DhpV.275-289 (KhN2.20)
Pakiṇṇakavagga - The Group On Assorted Things - Dhp 290-305 (KhN2.21)
Nirayavaggo - The Group On The State Of Anguish - DhpV.306-319 (KhN2.22)
Nāgavaggo - The Group On Elephants - DhpV.320-323 (KhN2.23)
Taṇhāvaggo - The Group On Thirst - DhpV.334-359 (KhN2.24)
Bhikkhuvaggo - The Group On Mendicants - DhpV.360-382 (KhN2.25)
Brāhmaṇavaggo - The Group On Brāhmaṇa - DhpV.383-423 (KhN2.26)
Udāna - KhN3 Ud
Paṭhamanibbānapaṭisaṃyutta Sutta - First Discourse Describing What Is Connected With Nibbāna - Ud8.1
Taṭiyanibbānapaṭisaṃyutta Sutta - Third Discourse Describing What Is Connected With Nibbana (The Unconditioned) - Ud8.3
Itivuttaka - KhN4 It
Sutta Nipāta - KhN5 Snp
Khaggavisāṇa sutta: A Rhinoceros! - Snp1.3
Maṅgala Sutta - The Supreme Blessings - Snp 2.4
Ratana Sutta - Snp2.1 (Khp6)
Vimānavatthu - KhN6 Vv
Petavatthu - KhN7 Pv
Theragāthā - KhN8 Th
Dhammikatthera-gāthā – Verses of the Elder Dhammika – KN8.195 (Th4.10/V.303-306)
Therīgāthā - KhN9 Thii
Jātaka - KhN10 Ja
Niddesa - KhN11 Nidd
Paṭisambhidāmagga - KhN12
Patis Apadāna - KhN13 Ap
Buddhavaṃsa - KhN14 Bv
Cariyāpiṭaka - KhN15 Cp
Vinaya Piṭaka
Mahāvagga - VinMv
Āditta-pariyāya Sutta - The That Which Burns Discourse - S.35.28; Vin.Mv.I.12
Dhamma-cakkappavattana Sutta - The Setting The Wheel of Dhamma in Motion Discourse - SN.56.11; VinMv6.13 (Vin.1.6.13)
Anatta-lakkhaṇa Sutta - The Not-Self Characteristic Discourse - SN 22.59; VinMv6.20 (Vin.I.6.20)
The Ten Reasons For Setting Down The Rules Of A Mendicant - VinMV.1.5.11 (Vin1.1.5.11)
Mahāpadesa - The Great Reasons - VinMv.6.40.1 (Vin1.6.40.1)
Cūḷavagga - VinCv
Samkhitta Sutta - The Brief Discourse to Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī - AN 8.53 (VinCv10.5)
Parivāra - VinPrv
Sutta Vibhaṅga - VinSvbh
Abridged Bhikkhu Pātimokkha
Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Dhammasaṅgaṇī - Abh Dhs
Vibhaṅga - Abh Vbh
Dhātukathā - Abh Dhatuk
Puggalapaññatti - Abh Pp
Kathāvatthu - Abh Kv
Yamaka - Abh Yam
Paṭṭhāna - Abh Patth
Post Canonical Texts
Bojjhaṅga Paritta - The protection of the Steps Toward Awakening
Other Traditions Texts
Eight Verses of Training the Mind (Tib. བློ་སྦྱོང་ཚིགས་རྐང་བརྒྱད་མ་, Wylie transliteration. blo sbyong tshigs rkang brgyad ma)
Dīgha Nikāya - DN (References are to Sutta and passage)
Mahā Vagga
Mahasatipaṭṭhāna Sutta - The Great Discourse on the Ways to Reference the Foundations of Mindfulness - DN22, MN10 (in chapters).
Majjhima Nikāya - MN (References are to Sutta and passage)
Mūlapariyāya Vagga
Pervading The Divine Dwellings - MN7 (excerpt)
Buddhadhammasanghaguna - Virtues Of The Triple Gem - MN7 (excerpt)
Mahasatipaṭṭhāna Sutta - The Great Discourse on the Ways to Reference the Foundations of Mindfulness - DN22, MN10 (in chapters).
Rāja Vagga
Aṅgulimala Sutta Paritta - The Aṅgulimala Discourse Protection - MN86 (excerpt)
Anupada Vagga
Mahā-cattārīsaka sutta - The Discourse on the Great Forty - MN 117
Vibhaṅga Vagga
Bhaddekaratta Gāthā - The Verses On Spending Ones Time Well - MN131 (excerpt)
Saṃyutta Nikāya - SN (Reference to chapter then Sutta Number)
Devatā Saṃyutta - SN01
Arahanta Sutta – The Discourse On The Worthy – SN1.25
Devaputta Saṃyutta - SN02
Rāhula Sutta - The Discourse To Honourable Rāhula - Snp 2.11 (KhN 5.23)
Kosala Saṃyutta - SN03
Pabbatūpama Sutta Gatha - Verses Of The Discourse On The Similie Of The Mountain - SN3.25
Māra Saṃyutta - SN04
Bhikkhuṇī Saṃyutta - SN05
Gilāna Sutta - The Discourse For The Sick - AN5.121
Brahmā Saṃyutta - SN06
Brāhmaṇa Saṃyutta - SN07
Vangīsa Thera Saṃyutta - SN08
Vana Saṃyutta - SN09
Yakkha Saṃyutta - SN10
Sakka Saṃyutta - SN11
Nidāna Saṃyutta - SN12
Cetanā sutta - [Developing] Intentions - SN 12.38
Abhisamaya Saṃyutta - SN13
Dhātu Saṃyutta - SN14
Anamatagga Saṃyutta - SN15
Kassapa Saṃyutta - SN16
Lābhasakkāra Saṃyutta - SN17
Rāhula Saṃyutta - SN18
Lakkhaṇa Saṃyutta - SN19
Opamma Saṃyutta - SN20
Bhikkhu Saṃyutta - SN21
Khandha Saṃyutta - SN22
Bhāra Sutta Gāthā - Verses on the Burden - SN22.22 (excerpt)
Anatta-lakkhaṇa Sutta - The Not-Self Characteristic Discourse - SN 22.59; VinMv6.20 (Vin.I.6.20)
Rādha Saṃyutta - SN23
Diṭṭhi Saṃyutta - SN24
Okkantika Saṃyutta - SN25
Uppāda Saṃyutta - SN26
Kilesa Saṃyutta - SN27
Sāriputta Saṃyutta - SN28
Nāga Saṃyutta - SN29
Supaṇṇa Saṃyutta - SN30
Gandhabbakāya Saṃyutta - SN31
Valāhaka Saṃyutta - SN32
Vacchagotta Saṃyutta - SN33
Samādhi Saṃyutta - SN34
Saḷāyatana Saṃyutta - SN35
Āditta-pariyāya Sutta - The That Which Burns Discourse - S.35.28; Vin.Mv.I.12
Vedanā Saṃyutta - SN36
Mātugāma Saṃyutta - SN37
Jambukhādaka Saṃyutta - SN38
Sāmaṇḍaka Saṃyutta - SN39
Moggallāna Saṃyutta - SN40
Citta Saṃyutta - SN41
Gāmani Saṃyutta - SN42
Asaṅkhata Saṃyutta - SN43
Avyākata Saṃyutta - SN44
Magga Saṃyutta - SN45
Dukkhatā Sutta – Discourse on Forms Of Stress – SN45.99
Bojjhaṅga Saṃyutta - SN46
Satipaṭṭhāna Saṃyutta - SN47
Indriya Saṃyutta - SN48
Sammappadhāna Saṃyutta - SN49
Bala Saṃyutta - SN50
Iddhipāda Saṃyutta - SN51
Anuruddha Saṃyutta - SN52
Jhāna Saṃyutta - SN53
Ānāpāna Saṃyutta - SN54
Sotāpatti Saṃyutta - SN55
Sacca Saṃyutta - SN56
Dhamma-cakkappavattana Sutta - The Setting The Wheel of Dhamma in Motion Discourse - SN.56.11; VinMv6.13 (Vin.1.6.13)
Aṅguttara Nikāya - AN (Reference to chapter then sutta number)
Ekaka Nipāta - AN 1
Duka Nipāta - AN 2
Bālavaggo - The Chapter On Fools
Bālā-paṇḍitā Sutta: The Foolish And Wise AN2.21
Abbhācikkhanti Sutta – Discourse On Defamation – AN2.22
Bhāsita-abhāsita Sutta – Discourse On What Is Said And Not Said - AN2.23
Āsāduppajahavaggo - The Chapter On Leaving Behind Foolishness
Ghosa Suttas - Discourses On Words - AN2.126-127
Tika Nipāta - AN 3
Catukka Nipāta - AN 4
Vitthāra Sutta – Explanation (of the four means of practice) – AN 4.162
Pañcaka Nipāta - AN 5
Chakka Nipāta - AN 6
Dutiya Sārāṇīya Sutta - The Second Discourse On Things To Remember - AN6.12
Sattaka Nipāta - AN 7
Aṭṭhaka Nipāta - AN 8
Saṅkhitta Aṭṭhaṅguposatha Sutta - The Observance Day Endowed with Eight Factors - AN8.41
Samkhitta Sutta - The Brief Discourse to Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī - AN 8.53 (VinCv10.5)
Navaka Nipāta - AN 9
Dasaka Nipāta - AN 10
Pabbajitābhiṇha Sutta - What One Who Has Separated From Society For Mastery Should Do Often - AN10.48
Girimānanda sutta - The Discourse for Girimānanda - AN10.60
Āghātapaṭivinaya sutta – The Discourse On The Means To Subdue Hatred – AN10.80
Ekādasaka Nipāta - AN 11
Khuddaka Nikāya - KN
Khuddakapāṭha - KhN1 Khp
Ratana Sutta - Khp6 (Snp2.1)
Karaṇīya-metta-sutta – Discourse Of The Practice Of Friendliness - Khp9
Dhammapada - The Words Of Truth - Dhp (KhN2)
Yamakavaggo - The Paired Group - Dhp.V01-20 (KhN 2.1)
Appamādavaggo - The Group On Heedfulness - Dhp.V.21-32 (KhN2.2)
Cittavaggo - The Group On The Mind - DhpV.33-43 (KhN 2.3)
Pupphavaggo - The Group with Flowers - DhpV.44-59 (KhN 2.4)
Bālavaggo - The Group On Fools - DhpV.60-75 (KhN 2.5)
Paṇḍitavaggo - The Group On Wise People - DhpV.76-89 (KhN 2.6)
Arahantavaggo - The Group On Arahants - DhpV.90-99 (KhN 2.7)
Sahassavaggo - The Group on One Thousand - DhpV.100-115 (KhN 2.8)
Pāpavaggo - The Group On Malevolence - DhpV.116-128 (KhN 2.9)
Daṇḍavaggo - The Group On Punishment - DhpV.129-145 (KhN 2.10)
Jarāvaggo - The Group On Ageing - DhpV.146-156 (KhN2.11)
Attavaggo - The Group On Oneself - DhpV.167-166 (KhN2.12)
Lokavaggo - The Group On The World - DhpV.167-178 (KhN 2.13)
Buddhavaggo - The Group On The Awakened - DhpV.179-196 (KhN2.14)
Sukhavaggo - The Group On Comfort - DhpV.197-208 (KhN 2.15)
Piyavaggo - The Group On Affection - DhpV.209-220 (KhN2.16)
Kodhavaggo - The Group On Anger - DhpV.221-234 (KhN2.17)
Malavaggo - The Group On Impurities - DhpV.235-255 (KhN2.18)
Dhammaṭṭhavaggo - The Group On The Just - DhpV.256-272 (KhN2.19)
Maggavaggo - The Group On The Path - DhpV.275-289 (KhN2.20)
Pakiṇṇakavagga - The Group On Assorted Things - Dhp 290-305 (KhN2.21)
Nirayavaggo - The Group On The State Of Anguish - DhpV.306-319 (KhN2.22)
Nāgavaggo - The Group On Elephants - DhpV.320-323 (KhN2.23)
Taṇhāvaggo - The Group On Thirst - DhpV.334-359 (KhN2.24)
Bhikkhuvaggo - The Group On Mendicants - DhpV.360-382 (KhN2.25)
Brāhmaṇavaggo - The Group On Brāhmaṇa - DhpV.383-423 (KhN2.26)
Udāna - KhN3 Ud
Paṭhamanibbānapaṭisaṃyutta Sutta - First Discourse Describing What Is Connected With Nibbāna - Ud8.1
Taṭiyanibbānapaṭisaṃyutta Sutta - Third Discourse Describing What Is Connected With Nibbana (The Unconditioned) - Ud8.3
Itivuttaka - KhN4 It
Sutta Nipāta - KhN5 Snp
Khaggavisāṇa sutta: A Rhinoceros! - Snp1.3
Maṅgala Sutta - The Supreme Blessings - Snp 2.4
Ratana Sutta - Snp2.1 (Khp6)
Vimānavatthu - KhN6 Vv
Petavatthu - KhN7 Pv
Theragāthā - KhN8 Th
Dhammikatthera-gāthā – Verses of the Elder Dhammika – KN8.195 (Th4.10/V.303-306)
Therīgāthā - KhN9 Thii
Jātaka - KhN10 Ja
Niddesa - KhN11 Nidd
Paṭisambhidāmagga - KhN12
Patis Apadāna - KhN13 Ap
Buddhavaṃsa - KhN14 Bv
Cariyāpiṭaka - KhN15 Cp
Vinaya Piṭaka
Mahāvagga - VinMv
Āditta-pariyāya Sutta - The That Which Burns Discourse - S.35.28; Vin.Mv.I.12
Dhamma-cakkappavattana Sutta - The Setting The Wheel of Dhamma in Motion Discourse - SN.56.11; VinMv6.13 (Vin.1.6.13)
Anatta-lakkhaṇa Sutta - The Not-Self Characteristic Discourse - SN 22.59; VinMv6.20 (Vin.I.6.20)
The Ten Reasons For Setting Down The Rules Of A Mendicant - VinMV.1.5.11 (Vin1.1.5.11)
Mahāpadesa - The Great Reasons - VinMv.6.40.1 (Vin1.6.40.1)
Cūḷavagga - VinCv
Samkhitta Sutta - The Brief Discourse to Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī - AN 8.53 (VinCv10.5)
Parivāra - VinPrv
Sutta Vibhaṅga - VinSvbh
Abridged Bhikkhu Pātimokkha
Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Dhammasaṅgaṇī - Abh Dhs
Vibhaṅga - Abh Vbh
Dhātukathā - Abh Dhatuk
Puggalapaññatti - Abh Pp
Kathāvatthu - Abh Kv
Yamaka - Abh Yam
Paṭṭhāna - Abh Patth
Post Canonical Texts
Bojjhaṅga Paritta - The protection of the Steps Toward Awakening
Other Traditions Texts
Eight Verses of Training the Mind (Tib. བློ་སྦྱོང་ཚིགས་རྐང་བརྒྱད་མ་, Wylie transliteration. blo sbyong tshigs rkang brgyad ma)
This work by Cittasanto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. |
What counts as a definitive word-for word; or sentence translation can be a purely subjective matter, and no doubt there are those who will disagree with renderings here; however, there seems to be no way to avoid this as I am not an expert translator and only dable in the fine art others spend time mastering fully. As there may be some discrepancies in the internal consistency I have attempted to keep in translating the texts, there are no-doubt areas of issue and problems in translation. For any failings I can only beg the reader's indulgence, and appologise for being part of the problem in your personal jorney to understand the teachings better.